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How to create your own outdoor mural

Outdoor mural in blue, grey, green, orange and pink

Create your own oasis by colouring up an outdoor area with a punchy muralOutdoor mural in blue, grey, green, orange and pink with outdoor chair and table with water glass on it


Add some fun and a sense of playfulness to your outdoor area by painting a colourful mural. All you need now is a cooling cocktail to sit back and appreciate your artistry.

You will need:

How to make your own outdoor mural:

1. Start by prepping everything. Give your weatherboards and table a good sand. If your weatherboards and table paint is in good condition, simply wash down, allow to dry, then apply your Resene coloured topcoats. No sanding or primer needed.


2. After sanding, make sure everything is dust free by wiping with a damp cloth.

3. Prime the weatherboards and table using Resene Quick Dry waterborne primer.


4. Once the primer is dry, start drawing the pattern. I used a level to make a square and a giant protractor to form the circles. Plan out your colours as you go and try to stick to four or five Resene colours that complement each other. Using two different shades of the same colour helps to create continuity and will stop things looking busy.

5. Paint two coats of each colour. Start with the lighter colours because it is easier to paint over a light colour than it is a dark colour if you accidentally go over the lines. I painted free-hand, but you could also use painter’s tape.


6. Paint the table to match. I repeated the blue Resene Gothic shade used at the top of the mural.

TIP: Consider giving your deck a spruce up with Resene Woodsman Decking Oil Stain.


More Resene colours to try: Resene Now Or Never, Resene Tropical, Resene Sunbeam

Project by: Nikki Kettle. Photography by: Anna Briggs.

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