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How to care for monstera plants so they thrive in your home

Known as one of the trendiest indoor plants, the lush and leafy monstera is the go-to choice for many an interior enthusiast. Here’s to how care for this stylish species


How to care for monstera plants so they thrive in your home

Monstera deliciosa, or Swiss cheese plant, is a firm favourite of many plant lovers. Why? It’s easy to care for, is a natural climber (so grows nice and tall), and makes a dramatic indoor statement with its large, graphic leaves.

Top care tips

+ Also known as Swiss cheese plant due to their signature holey look, Monstera deliciosa is a natural climber.
+ In the wild it climbs up the bark of trees, so this houseplant will need its stems supported as they develop – small ponga logs are ideal.
+ Bright, filtered light and normal room temperatures will suit this species.
+ In hot spaces, place the pot on a tray with damp pebbles to improve humidity around the plant.
+ Feed every 2 weeks during the growing period (spring to autumn) with a standard liquid fertiliser.

Words by: Carol Bucknell.


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